When you initially receive your new dentures you will find that many daily routines will change. Talking or eating may prove difficult, and you may find that there doesn’t seem to be enough suction at first.
Speaking: When speaking, your tongue moves along the top slope of your mouth. With new dentures, the slope may change. Practice words with S’s and T’s . Word’s such as ‘Mississippi’ and ‘triple-triple’ are more difficult to say, and so they can help you develop confidence with your speech. You may want to read out loud for a while until your tongue adjusts to speaking with your new dentures. You don’t need to be embarrassed; most likely, you will be the only one who notices!
Eating: Eating may be difficult at first because your teeth will contact differently than your natural teeth did. Try taking only small amounts of food with each bite and chew them slowly so your mouth can adapt to the new teeth. If you find that the denture moves around too much when you are eating, it may be helpful to place food on both sides of your mouth and chew. This causes equal pressure all the way around instead of all on one side. Practicing intentionally over time will help you begin to control the dentures automatically by using the muscles of mastication in your mouth.
Suction~ In most cases, your denture will not initially have the amount of suction you were hoping for. Dentures need time to settle in and adapt to your mouth. Even if you have worn a denture before, you may find this is still a problem. Your old denture was made by taking an impression of your mouth, and although your new denture is made in the same way, it is still a new impression that has formed. This time around, you may not have as much gum or bone tissue as you had when your first denture was made. Your mouth is constantly changing!
It normally takes 24-48 hours for the first ‘settling in’ of a denture to take place, and so you should see an improvement in suction over the first days. Once you’ve received your new denture, you may experience sore spots or the bite may not feel quite like it should. In that case you will need to call your Denturist to come and make the proper adjustments at no extra cost. With each adjustment the denture may settle in more, sometimes requiring additional adjustments. These adjustments are a normal part of the progressive fitting process.
Don’t be discouraged, dentures take time and adjustments are common
Michelle Davies DD613-794-7435
Kanata Lakes Dental
499 Terry Fox Dr, Suite 20
Floss Dental Collective
300 Preston St, Suite 2