We Also Offer
We take the hassle out of getting or fixing your dentures. Kanata Dentures™ services are available at either of our two clinic locations or even in the comfort of your own home or residence. If it's difficult for you to come to us, by appointment, our licensed Denturist will come to your place of residence in order to care for your denture needs.
Kanata Dentures™ Services
Since 2010 we have offered quality denture services to clients in Kanata and across the Ottawa Valley region from Arnprior and Stittsville in the west to Orleans in the east.
In addition to our two partner clinic locations, Kanata Dentures™ house-call service gives us the ability to pay special attention to those who benefit from having denture services brought right into the comfort of their home. By appointment, our licensed Denturist will come to your place of residence in order to care for your denture needs.
We offer this type of service because we understand how difficult getting to a Denturist for prompt service can be. If you prefer to come into a clinic, Kanata Dentures™ services are available at either of our two locations.
Michelle Davies DD
Michelle Davies is a Denturist with more than two decades experience in two provinces. She graduated with her degree in Denture Technology in 1997 from I.W. Akerley College in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.
That same year she opened the Blomidon Denture Clinic in the Annapolis Valley.
After more than five successful years in practice Michelle married and moved to Newmarket, Ontario, in 2003. Joining with the 404 Dental Office in Newmarket, Michelle continued practicing as a Denturist through to 2008 when she moved to the Ottawa area. Now settled in Kanata, Michelle lives with her husband Bob and their 2 children.

Michelle Davies DD613-794-7435
Kanata Dental Hygiene
417 B Hazeldean Rd
Floss Dental Collective
300 Preston St, Suite 2